About Us

In a modern business structure, performance is always measured by the
parameters of efficiency and synergy. Today’s business is required to always
improve performance, optimize asset management, develop new standards, and innovate. The entire series is carried out to achieve efficiency and performance quality standards that are productive, efficient, and sustainable.

Subaga Survei Persada has pioneered and developed a new approach to asset management in Indonesia. This approach puts forward primary data, analysis based on artificial intelligence technology, big data management, web-based Geospatial Dashboard, new data synergy with existing business’s system, as well as asset contingency issues over natural potentials and threats.



Competitiveness, sustainability, efficiency, and asset contingency are the main keys in making current and future business policies. Therefore, we Subaga Survei Persada will always provide services for businesses in Indonesia in various scales, for the progress of the national economy. 

Reasons why you should choose our service?

Many business will urge you to use their business because of the benefits. But for us, the crucial point is to first acknowledge the difficulties working with us.

Even it's Expensive

With high level of precission, wide-spectrum, and high data usability; of course it will be pricey. But with everything we deliver, you can decide it yourself.

Our ever changing methods

We might be using method A for this project, and method B for another. That is because we Prioritize Innovation, Multi-device, Multi-disciplinary in order to maintain business competitiveness.

Captious Team

Always asking about everything to the details. Itmight be an annoyance at first. But this is to ensure us to not miss any details in our work.

How we work to make your business better

High Usability Data

Integrable Result

Secured Storage

Online Data

Cloud Based Drone Data Processing

Fast Business Response

Our Technical Concept

Step 01: Survey

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The initial milestone begins with the survey process to ensure the accuracy of the data according to real conditions.

Step 02: Data Processing

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Survey result data will be converted and inserted into the application for processing as needed.

Step 03: Data Analysis

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The processed data can enter the analysis, comparison stage, or be adjusted to other data.

Step 04: Integrated Solution

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The final data can be integrated with various other types of data into topographical data on assets.

Want to know more?

Ask everything asset management related, how this can be implemented in your business, and ask for quotation just through a click of a button.